Episode #
released on
November 15, 2023

Open Tabs in Your Brain: Take Stock, Consolidate, and Reduce

Questions to ask yourself to determine the open loops you must begin closing. 

The Law Firm Owner Podcast from Velocity Work


If your brain were a web browser, how many tabs would you have open right now? Between client work, the needs of your team, business admin, and your long-term goals, as a law firm owner, it tends to be a lot! And with the holidays fast approaching, more tabs will be opening soon.

If you want to reduce your sense of overwhelm and chaos, and if you've been wondering how to run a healthy firm that’s productive and efficient during the holidays, it’s time for you to start closing some of those tabs.

Join Melissa on this episode as she helps you take stock of the open tabs in your brain so you can consolidate, reduce, and maybe even close some of them for good. You’ll learn an exercise that will help you examine the open loops in your brain, recognize how to close them with intention, and learn why giving yourself the gift of completion does wonders for your psyche.

If you’re a law firm owner, Mastery Group is the way for you to work with Melissa. This program consists of quarterly strategic planning facilitated with guidance and community every step of the way. Enrollment is open so click here to secure your spot!

What You’ll Discover:

• What happens when you have multiple open tabs open in your brain.

• Why a sense of completion does wonders for your psyche.

• Questions to ask yourself to determine the open loops you must begin closing. 

• The correlation between the number of tabs you have open and the level of overwhelm you feel.

• An exercise to help you take stock of your open tabs, consolidate them, and reduce them.

• Melissa’s top tips for closing those open tabs for good.

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David Allen

Loftie alarm clock

Sleep Cycle app

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I’m Melissa Shanahan, and this is The Law Firm Owner Podcast Episode #232.

Welcome to The Law Firm Owner Podcast powered by Velocity Work for owners who want to grow a firm that gives them the life they want. Get crystal clear on where you're going. Take planning seriously, and honor your plan like a pro. This is the work that creates Velocity.

Everyone, welcome to this week's episode. I'm so thrilled you're here. Today, we're going to talk about a topic where I think there will be something for each of you listening to this to be able to walk away, and do for yourself. That will make your world easier. It may just be a question to ask yourself, it may be a specific task that needs to be done, but what we're covering today is open tabs.

So, let me give you some context. About 10 years ago, I had a mentor that introduced me to this concept. I think about it a lot. If you can imagine that your brain is a browser, and inside of your brain, in the browser, there are many open tabs.

And so, the first question that I would ask yourself is, how many open tabs do you have in your brain right now, if your brain was a browser? And even if you can't count, you don't know, but it's a lot, what we're going to be talking about today, is how to close those tabs, how you need to think about it, and what you can do to actively close tabs.

When you can reduce the number of tabs you have open, the number of loops you have open, the number of files you have open, however you want to think about it… For me, it makes sense for tabs and a browser… the more of those you can close, the healthier you will be, the healthier your firm will be, and the more productive and efficient things will be in your world.

So, it's a concept… I think most people listening to this have so many things going on that there's a lot of open tabs in their brain. So, today's episode is a chance to help you push pause and get sorted with the tabs that are open, and make some decisions, create some certainty, around what is getting get closed out and how.

The first thing I want you to do, is to sit down and I want you to write down all of the things that your brain is holding on to, that are things that need to be done, that may have been started but not finished. Maybe they haven't been started, but your brain is hanging on to it.

Now remember, David Allen has a quote that says, “Your brain is meant for processing, not for storage,” but we hang on to all these things. And so, if you think of your brain as a browser, and it's holding on to all these open tabs, then you can see where the inefficiency is and things get clogged.

You can't use your full brain for processing and producing results because it's hanging on to so many things. It's already sort of tucked in so many different areas, that real headway isn't being made in any given area.

You want a sense of completion; a sense of completion does a lot of good for our psyche. But a sense of completion also is what creates results. When you get stuff done, that's what creates results.

As we approach the end of the year, things tend to ramp mentally for people because there's so many things going on, not just with work, but certainly closing loops with work, but also in our personal lives.

Things tend to ramp because of the holidays. Because of things going on, maybe travel, maybe gifts, maybe plans, parties, whether you're hosting or attending, all of that, right? You're preparing for the end of the year and there's a lot that comes with that.

Today, this episode should serve as you taking stock of some things and making some decisions on what you're going to do to ensure that you are closing as many files as possible. And you're being very conscious and intentional about what files you're going to close.

The first question that you're going to answer, and you need to sit down and be able to document this, whether it's in a digital document or pen and paper: What loops do you have open? What browser tabs are open in your brain? And I mean, all of it.

Some things are going to be small matters. Some things will be bigger deals. What is open in your brain that needs tending to, and you don't want to close the tab because you need to tend to it? Maybe in a small way, maybe in a big way. What are all of those tabs that are open? Make a list of those things.

You want to write all of that down all of it. You can push pause if you're listening this episode, and do it right now. When you think you're done, ask yourself: What else? What else is open in my brain that is just hanging out there? Maybe it's not top priority, maybe it is, doesn't matter. If it's an open tab in your brain browser, write it down.

One thing that I find, when I make a list of this kind of a thing is, I will have a first go at this list, I will get down everything I can think of out of my brain, that's an open tab in my brain, and then what I'll ask myself next sort of gets to the things that I didn't think of on the first go.

What I ask myself is: What is gray or fuzzy to me, in my brain? And so, in this instance, between now and the end of the year, what is something that feels like there's uncertainty around?

The kinds of things that will come up, it could be something around the numbers. Like, “I don't have certainty around the revenue that's going to happen. I don't have certainty around what my expenses are going to end up being before the end of the year. I don't have certainty around what projects are actually going to get done, that I meant to get done.”

So, what's gray or fuzzy, and it feels like, ‘well, we'll see?’ It's almost like you're going to wait and see what happens. I want you to make a list of those things. That could be in your personal life, that could be with business, it doesn't matter. But it's important to get out of your brain.

Another area that sometimes feels for me comes up is gray and fuzzy, there's not some certainty around, is how something is going to get done. For instance, if I know that there's this thing that needs to get done for the holidays, but I don't know how it's going to get done. I know it will, and it may be I'm up late doing something, or maybe I'm cramming, I know it'll get done. I don't know how, but it will.

That kind of stuff, you want to get that out of your head too. Put that down in a list. Now, as you consider the list of things, the list of open tabs in your mind, it probably will make sense to you to hear that there is a direct correlation between the number of tabs that you tend to have open at any given point, with the degree of overwhelm that you tend to feel, and the amount of results that you tend to create.

So, when you have a bunch of tabs open on a consistent basis, your overwhelm will be higher than someone who has a reduced number of tabs open mentally, in their brain. The output will be higher. The results created will be increased by those that have fewer tabs, because they're all very focused on a few things, rather than so many things that are going on in your brain.

This is a discipline. I can hear now, people probably saying, or thinking in their brains, “Well, yeah, but I do have a bunch of tabs open. That's just the way it is. I can't control that.” Okay, can you just sit that down for a minute?

Can you set that argument down for a moment? To just be willing to look at how, maybe, you can reduce the number of tabs that exist in your brain? The number of open loops that you’ve got to be dealing with at any given point, and find ways to consolidate or reduce?

So, that you actually don't feel that same sense of overwhelm. So, that things can get pushed through even more quickly, because you don't have as many things open. So, you can give more attention to the things that actually are open, that you've decided to consciously leave open.

I think if you are just willing to have a look at things this way… Are you going to get down to three tabs in your brain? No, probably not. I'm not suggesting that you produce magic here. But I think you will surprise yourself at where you can take the reins that you're not currently taking.

So, I want you to look at the list that you have, and I want you to imagine each one of those things you wrote down is a tab open in your brain. If your brain was a browser, can you imagine how mucked up things are getting? And how weighed down everything is getting, in terms of processing, because you're holding on to all of this?

Now, there isn't any reason to have judgment on it, we all get there. And we all have times where there's more of an overload than others. But just have a look, this is just data. This is just information that we're going to play with.

When you have that list, the next thing that you're going to need to do is to figure out how you can close as many as possible. One way that I like to approach this, is I will take a highlighter and I will highlight all of the things that I think could be quickly closed, if I gave a little space to it. Or quickly closed because I'm delegating it. Or quickly closed because I'm scrapping it. I'm not going to do it. It's not going to make the cut between now and the end of the year.

For the sake of the exercise we're doing today, I highlight all of those things so you can see how much could be reduced very quickly, if you just gave it a little bit of attention. My advice, is to start there. Don't start with the hardest stuff, start with the lightweight stuff and get it out, close the tab.

I want you to, once you've highlighted everything, you go through, for each thing that you have highlighted, and you'll put what it's going to take to close the loop. Write down, jot the few bullets down, what is it going to take to close that loop? Essentially, you're creating a list of action items for yourself.

Next to each action item, I want you to write how much time it's going to take to get the action done. Once you do that, and you can add up all the time that's required in order to close these loops, then you understand what kind of time you're going to need to carve out so that you can get that stuff closed, so that it's not still open and running.

That is step number one; get the lightweight stuff off of your plate. Close the stuff that's fastest to close so that you don't have as many tabs open.

Once you actually have time scheduled on your calendar, where you are going to go do these things, close these loops according to the action items that you made. The amount of time that you think it's going to take you, schedule time for those things.

And when it's time to get that stuff done, you show up and you go all-in. You shut down distractions, and you do that action item list so that you get those things closed. Take it seriously, don't just sit down and start to work on it. No, sit down, close out other distractions, and be committed to getting the stuff off your plate. You will feel so much lighter when you do it.

Once you have time scheduled to do that, so you know that that's what's going to be done, the next thing is to go through the list of items that weren't highlighted, figure out what it is going to take, and make an action list for each of those things. What is it going to take to close those files?

And once you have that, you put next to each action item, you write the amount of time that you think it's going to take for each of those things. So, that you can understand what it's going to take, in terms of time and effort, to close each of those files.

Now, you're going to see this list and some of you will say, “This is overwhelming. I don't want to look at this.” But this is the truth, and you get to make decisions about what you are or are not going to commit to, in terms of closing loops.

You don't have to get to zero. I mean, it's amazing if you can commit to that and if you can follow through on that. That's fantastic. But I am cognizant that I'm talking to many people on this podcast, and I'm trying to meet you where you are. You will know if you think you can get down to zero tabs open or not.

But when you are going through these other things that aren't highlighted, that aren't quick to get off of your plate, then that is where you have to break it down. What is it going to take for this thing to get done? Write down the things that it's going to take.

What is it going to take to get this tab closed? Write it down. What is it going to take to get this one closed? Write it down. And then, next to each thing that you're writing down, how much time does it take to get that thing done? And then, that thing done? And then, that thing done?

You can start to see, “Oh, to close this tab I'm going to need an hour and a half. To close this tab I'm going to need seven hours. To close this tab I'm actually going to be 30 minutes.” You can start to see what it's going to take to close the tabs.

My advice, is to close the tabs first that are not going to take as much time and effort, and then work your way towards the bigger ones. Because then you can close out tabs faster. And when you can close out tabs faster, you have more bandwidth to give to the tabs that are left open.

So, if you can do this exercise, you will create more certainty for yourself between now and the end of the year. And that's the thing, it's like we're running hot, we're running on all cylinders around this time of the year. And as we think about closing up the year there's a lot of uncertainty, and you want to reduce the uncertainty.

This is a way to reduce the uncertainty. Like, “Oh, okay, this is actually what's going to get done by the end of the year, and this is what is not. So, considering this is not going to get done by then, and I'm consciously making that decision because I'm looking at all of this now, then I can set those to the side. I will open those things back up at the beginning of the year,” for instance.

My point is, you can make conscious decisions that allow you to decide where to put your focus, instead of your entire brain feeling overwhelmed because of the number of things that you have got going on. This is a way to reduce that.

If you can do this exercise, because you will feel more certain about really what's there to do, and really what can get accomplished, then it allows you to feel less overwhelmed during this holiday season and as we close up the year.

The overwhelm always comes from a lack of certainty. “I don't know how it's going to get done. There's too much to do, not enough time.” That kind of lack of certainty is unnecessary, but we do it to ourselves. This exercise helps you to pull the plug on that, and be able to say, “Alright, this is the deal. This is what we've got going on.”

It allows you, at that point, to be able to maybe reset expectations with certain people around you, based on you looking at the facts in front of you of what's possible, and what's not possible. You can decide what you're going to do with that information. You can reset expectations with those around you. You can maybe get even more ruthless, and cut things off that originally you weren't going to; you thought you could get it done.

But really, when you see how your precious time is only going to be able to be devoted to certain things, so you just make cuts even further, some things aren't going to make the cut.

Maybe you do decide to extend yourself. Maybe you are going to work on something for an evening, that you didn't plan on doing. You planned on having some more space in your evenings. Well, you can have space, but it means that you can't get all of these things done.

Or you can get some more of these things done, and you will have a little less space. You may decide that you like your reasons for that, and going down that path, because of how good you'll feel after getting these things done.

What I'm not suggesting, is that you should run yourself ragged this season and be a shell of yourself at the end of the year. But what I am an advocate for, is being conscious about what game you are entering. You being in control, you making those decisions, that's what matters.

Okay, so now you have everything in front of you. You know the open tabs that you have. You've done some work to see how you can close as many as quickly as possible, so that you are not so spread thin among all of these tabs, these open tabs.

When it comes to closing tabs, there are a few things I have found extremely helpful. Not just in my own experience, but also working with clients. These are the things that matter.

The first, is to reduce your inputs. We allow so much noise into our sphere, and the more you can reduce your inputs and reduce the flow of information into your brain, the more productive you will be. So, I want you to have a look at where you can reduce your inputs.

Where do you feel like information or noise is flying at you? Where are you a consumer of information? It could be through social media apps, it could be through news sites, it could be through groups that you're a part of. That if you're really getting honest, they do not add the value that they should be adding.

I just left an entrepreneur group that is supposed to be the best thing since sliced bread. I have been working hard in there to keep trying to plug in, to find ways to plug in and stay connected. Even though it kind of feels like an annoyance, no matter how much I plug in. It feels like it's in the way. It feels like something I have to pay attention to that's not actually giving me value back.

It's not making the cut, and I am reducing that input. I am leaving. I don't even get a refund for leaving. Like, for the money that I already spent for the entire year. I don't get a refund and I don't care. What am I going to do? Just continue to sit in it, when it adds to the noise, adds to the clutter, and it does not improve my output? So, it goes, I'm cutting it out.

Where do you have an opportunity to reduce your inputs so that it's quieter for your brain? One of the things that happens when you reduce your input, is not only do you get to close tabs, you actually start producing work in a way that reduces the number of tabs you have open in your brain.

But also, it prevents new tabs from being added that shouldn't be added. When we have inputs, too many inputs, and we don't control the inputs, what ends up happening is we get an idea over here and we start something, or we hold on to the idea, and so it's an open tab in our brain.

That idea could be related to your firm, and something that's very tied into the systems and processes and how to improve things. But it's just not the right time. You have other things to focus on. When you get those things done, then you should turn to this. Right?

So, how do you reduce your inputs? Many people don't control their inputs because they have a fear of missing out on key information. Please hear me when I say, the right information that you need at any given point will be available to you when you are ready for it, and when you have decided you're going to focus in that direction.

If it isn't an input, or something really useful for the tabs that you have open right now, it's a no. So, I have something that I do. First of all, I control my inputs. I don't have as many as most people, I do that on purpose. It's one of the things I attribute my high productivity to, is that I don't have those inputs.

But if I do see an input, of the select inputs that I do have, if I see something come through that's interesting to me but it's not the right time to open up a new tab for it, I have a place where I can bookmark those things and I can always go back to it later. That lets my brain let it go. And I know that when it is the right time, I will have the resource. I know where to go to look for that resource. And so, then, I'm not holding it in my brain.

So, reducing your inputs, or controlling your inputs, will ensure that you're not opening up new tabs unnecessarily when it's not the right time. People do that because they feel like they're going to miss out on the information, so they sort of open up a new mental tab when they hear something cool or something they think that they should implement.

But they aren't being responsible for dealing with that input. It's not the right time. You don't have an open tab that that pertains to, then it goes away. So, even if you need to put it in a bookmarked area, at least you know, and you can trust that you can go back to it when it's the right time. You're not allowing it to open a tab in your brain; you're trying to close them out.

Not only does it help prevent opening new tabs, it also will aid, if you control your inputs, it will aid in you closing tabs more quickly because you're not seeing other things. So, even if you don't control your inputs, and even if you adopt a habit of bookmarking things, the fact the information is flowing into your brain more often than is necessary, is pulling you away from staying focused on the very things that you want to be focused on.

If you can learn how to control your inputs for real, and I mean for real, take the reins, stop being at the whim of the world in terms of information flying at you and you seeing information. And if you aren't taking the reins, I can guarantee that you are not as productive as you could be, because of the inputs that are happening. Because you aren't controlling them.

So, make some very conscious decisions about what gets to be an input and what does not get to be an input, and what times you will allow inputs and what times you will not allow inputs.

Something I did recently to really take the reins, because I was fighting against myself… I scroll on my phone in the evenings before I go to sleep, and then, also in the mornings. We all know that's bad for you. There's not anybody out there that doesn't know that that's not a healthy move.

But it's the only time I would plug into social media. During the day, I do not get on social media, I am working. And I am with my family in the evening. So, that's my space to do it. I'd just scroll and scroll and scroll, and see whatever it is up to, but I would always spend a lot longer on there than what I had anticipated.

I didn't feel great after I'd just spent a bunch of time doing that. I really should be sleeping, or I really should be a little more intentional with my morning than just getting sucked into social or email or whatever. But I'm basically on my phone scrolling. So, I bought an alarm clock. It's called the Loftie alarm clock; we'll put it in the show notes.

My reason for doing that was I needed an alarm. I'm pretty picky about alarms. I have had an alarm on my phone through an app called Sleep Cycle for a very long time. It wakes me up. It sort of picks up on where you are in your sleep cycle. You give it a 30-minute window to wake you up, and it softly wakes you up when you're in a lighter stage of sleep. So, you don't feel like you're pulled out of deep sleep.

I've loved that. I've really appreciated it. I can feel the difference when I wake up from a light sleep, versus when I'm pulled out of a deep sleep. So, it's been a game changer for me in terms of how I start my day. But I don't want to use my phone. I don't want to have my phone in my room. The only reason I have it in my room, at this point, is the alarm.

So, I wanted an alarm that would also just be gentle with the wakeup, instead of just a jarring traditional alarm clock. I did a bunch of research and got Loftie. There are a couple ones out there, but this one had some of the better reviews, and some things that I was interested in specifically about the clock. So, I got it.

Now my phone stays plugged in, in the kitchen. I go to my room to go to sleep, and I just go to sleep. I read more at night now than I was, because I'm not scrolling. In the morning I wake up, open my eyes, and my phone is not there to grab. And so, I'll just take a minute to wake up. I have some gratitude things I say in the morning. Just how grateful I am for the view that I'm looking out at, from my room, and just start my day off really in a calm, intentional space. instead of scrolling through my phone and seeing what's pinged me since I checked right before I went to bed.

The result has been more sleep. Which, by the way, it’s a superpower. And better sleep. I am less plugged into social because again, I don't get on social during the day. So, if I don't do it in a very small window, like after dinner, after my son is down and before I go to bed, then it just doesn't happen.

Man, I’ve got to tell you, I was shocked at the difference it made in my internal state, making this switch to the alarm clock and keeping my phone in the kitchen. My generalized anxiety is down, and it has a lot to do with, I know, the reduction of inputs. I am controlling inputs, and it allows me to stay focused on the things that actually matter the most to me.

When I have more access to my phone, and I'm allowing more inputs, which most of my inputs are through my phone, that's not true for everybody. Some people watch TV, watch the news, and things like that. Mine is mainly, in terms of inputs, it's my phone.

By reducing and controlling my inputs, my anxiety is lessened, generally speaking. I'm also sleeping better, which, as we all know, better sleep is a superpower in many ways. There's a stability that I feel internally that was missing before. I've been fascinated to witness this; it feels like an experiment that I was running.

There's zero question about how much healthier it is to live this way, versus the way that I was living before. And this comes down to controlling your inputs, not allowing whatever to hit your brain. When you are up against the world of technology, and all that they put into keeping you tied to your phone, you realize it's not just discipline.

I mean, sure, it's discipline. I know some of you listening, maybe don't have any issues just putting down your phone and not scrolling, and you don't find yourself ever doing that. That's fine. But that's not true for most people. These apps are designed to hook you in and to keep you hooked. It was really frustrating.

At moments, I'd be like, “What am I doing? Why am I back on this app and scrolling again?” It's like you kind of slip into this unconscious state and you are just at the whim of the app. So, making sure that that has gone away, which is me taking the reins in that realm, for me, it was an experiment.

It's very clear, the benefits. It's something I'm going to keep doing because, quite frankly, it allows me to then stay focused and stay conscious and intentional with the things that matter most to me. Which are, my wellbeing, my family, my clients, the members inside of Velocity Work, and my relationships with a few close friends. That is what matters most to me.

By reducing inputs, and whatever that looks like for you, by reducing your inputs and you taking the reins on that, even if your decisions and your path don't look like mine, it's about taking the reins so that your focus can stay aligned with what matters most to you.

And if you don't control your inputs, for sure, you waste a bunch of time in a space that's not focused on what matters most. Okay, so that was reducing inputs.
The next thing that's really helpful with closing tabs, is what I call super thinking. I have done podcasts episodes on super thinking before. But super thinking to me, is when there is executive functioning with your brain happening. It is more high-level thinking, it is meta thinking, it is figuring things out.

If you don't take space for this, you will feel like you don't have any space. I have phases where this has been true for me. Where you feel like you're running constantly and you are just executing, executing, executing, executing. And there is no space for you to think high level about things. It's very hard to close loops.

It seems like it would actually add to productivity because you're just executing, executing, executing. But when you are just running hard, you aren't actually always executing on the right things at the right time. You have to have space to really think about, and figure out your approach, to execution.

Most people don't do that. Most people will, if we're talking week to week for example, they'll just slam into the week and get as much done as they can, and react and respond to the demands that have been put on them in real time. You want to have more forethought than that.

It's not just week to week, this can be quarter over quarter, month over month. You can have a practice around this. If you are a member or a client, we facilitate this high-level thinking so that you can execute in a very focused way, in between your high-level thinking sessions.

And so, if you don't have space to think about, and arrange things in a way so that you know what to execute on first, second, third, what you're going to get done first, second, third, and so on, then it becomes a more reactive way of getting things done.

You don't actually line yourself up very well with closing tabs; which will help you focus even more. And so, the other thing you need, not only reducing inputs, but the other thing you need, is to think about… which is you making that list at the beginning, that I explained. You can highlight things… that is a version of that.

That is high level, super thinking, about what you've got going on. When you can take time for that, it always produces more results in your favor. The results that you were looking for, the results that you need, in order to close tabs on things and to be able to have a sense of completion. A sense of completion is really good for our psyche.

And so, it feels worth mentioning here, even though I already listed it as an actual exercise earlier, because this will go into sort of the last piece that we'll talk about. This is why Monday Map/Friday Wrap is so important.

Monday Map/Friday Wrap is a process that we teach that helps you sit down and be thoughtful about the week ahead, how you're going to spend time, and what is actually going to get accomplished, in a way that is honest and doesn't have magical thinking about how much you're going to cram into a week.

No, you actually really think through what's possible, what's priority, what's absolutely going to get done, what isn't going to get done, and how you're going to deal with that does. Anything need to shift because you're not going to be able to get it done? Or can you get creative and find a way to get it done without spending a bunch of extra time.

Monday Map/Friday Wrap is important. It is your chance to sit down every week and be responsible with all the things you do have on your plate, the amount of time that you have, and how reconcile those two things. And in doing so, you feel more in control because you are in more control.

You are actually taking the reins and planning. Planning is making decisions ahead of time. And then, your job is to honor that plan on the back end. By reducing your inputs, it allows you to honor your plans even more, even better, and even in an easier way. You're not fighting against some of the inputs that you have.

So, I think you can see why these three things all go together to help you close tabs mentally, so that you have less in front of you to focus on. You can experience a sense of completion, and reduce your sense of overwhelm. Increase your sense of control, because you actually are controlling more of what you can.

All of that leads to increased productivity. So, it's like the spiraling up that happens. And so, reducing inputs, also allowing yourself the space to think about how you're going to get things done, and space to figure out the plan, and to think through obstacles, and just the higher level stuff, and think through when you're going to get these things done. It's the high level stuff. It's planning, that is super thinking. It's planning.

When you do that, then your job is to execute and honor your plan. I think you can see where these all help each other, because you will be able to honor your plan more if your inputs are reduced and you control those inputs. You aren't going to feel as pulled away from the things that actually matter most, that you have deemed most important.

So, these three things will help you close more tabs. But the most important thing is that you close tabs. Most of you listening to this have so many tabs open in your brain. If your brain is a browser, and you think about all those tabs, and you think about the weight of it, and how it just mucks things up and slows things up.

Then you visit this tab and then you visit this tab and you think, “Oh, I can't close that. I'll get to that. And then, I’ve got to go over here and finish this.” We hold so much in our brain, and it's time for you to start to clear some of that out. You have to do that intentionally.

If you take what I've said in this podcast, it will help you do that. My hope for each and every one of you, is that you can end this year feeling like you've made a lot of progress to reduce your overwhelm and the sense of chaos. That you will experience completion with so many the little things.

Those tabs that are open, get those out of the way, then figure out how you're going to tackle some of the bigger things, and what's actually going to get done by the end of the year and what is not. You’ll be able to take a deep breath after you make some decisions about those things, and be at peace with what you decide. Then your job is to honor that plan, and to follow through with that.

The three things I gave you at the end of this podcast; reducing inputs, making time every week to think bigger about what is going to get done next week, what is priority and what is this going to look like, what you're about to move through in an effort to keep closing tabs, then you will feel different in the season and certainly at the turn of the year. And that will help you start next year off on the right foot.

All right, everyone. I hope you have a beautiful week. I'll see you here next Tuesday.

Hey, you may not know this, but there's a free guide for a process I teach called Monday Map/ Friday Wrap. If you go to velocitywork.com, it's all yours. It's about how to plan your time and honor your plans. So, that week over week, more work that moves the needle is getting done in less time. Go to velocitywork.com to get your free copy.

Thank you for listening to The Law Firm Owner Podcast. If you're ready to get clearer on your vision, data, and mindset, then head over to velocitywork.com where you can plug in to Quarterly Strategic Planning, with accountability and coaching in between. This is the work that creates Velocity.

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